Вышел третий патч для Divinity: Original Sin 2 (Early Access) v3.0.15.252
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Сам патч весит почти 1200 mb и содержит обширный список изменений. Он автоматический загрузится в сервисе Steam, GOGalaxy.
Список изменений (краткий):
– Полностью переделана система статистики
– Улучшено обратная связь игроков при переключении на неактивных персонажей во время боя
– Улучшен пользовательский интерфейс
– Улучшенная система визуализации хода в бою
– Улучшенный и переработанный нижний бар интерфейса.
– Добавлена возможность переключения между Hotbars (до пяти шт.)
– Переключение чата теперь на нижней панели
– Улучшено освещение и визуальные эффекты в пещере Blood Rose
– Улучшена визуализация перемещения в предварительном просмотре
– Обновлена анимация нескольких персонажей
– Больше правки в балансе, скилах и талантах
Список изменений (полный):
– Improved player feedback when switching to inactive characters during combat
– Improved player feedback it’s not possible to perform certain actions
– Improved UI sound events
– Physical armor and Magic armor now have hit effects
– Improved path visualizations in combat
– Improved clickable area of listed savegames
– Improved and redesigned the bottom bar interface.
— Added option to switch between hotbars (up to five)
— Chat toggle is now on the bottom bar
– Improved lighting and visuals in Blood Rose cave
– Improved visualisation of move preview
– Improved following behavior when leader of party is in combat
– Improved targeting preview when casting teleport skills (out of sight is now properly greyed out)
– Tweaked and added several effects
– Updated several animations that were not finished yet
– Added new tornado effect and fixed tornado atmosphere settings
– Added preview for attacks with multiple projectiles
– Added blinking and progress bar in windows (when game is minimized)
– Players are now directly assigned a free slot in the arena lobby upon joining
– Teams are automatically assigned for AI’s in the arena lobby
– Added combat log entries for source vampirism
– Added more logging stats for balancing reasons
– Ifan’s recruitment dialog now recognizes and allows Drudanae
Изменение основных атрибутов:
– Strength now provides 5% damage bonus and 2% Physical Armour bonus per point
– Finesse now provides 5% damage bonus and 1% Dodging per point
– Intelligence now provides 5% damage bonus and 2% Magic Armour bonus per point
– Characters now have a base amount of vitality that grows with levels
– Constitution now provides 7% vitality bonus
– Characters now start with 3 Memory Slots and receive 1 free Memory Slot every 2 levels
– Memory attribute now provides 1 Memory Slot per point
– Wits now provides 1% Critical Chance and 1 Initiative per point
– Vitality, armour and damage numbers start from lower values, but grow faster each level
Изменены боевые способности:
– Combat abilities now give larger bonuses per point and are capped at 10 points.
– Previous Defence abilities were removed.
– New Defence ability: Pain Reflection. Allows you to reflect 10% of incoming damage back onto attackers per point
– Leadership is now a combat ability in Defence category. Allies in 5m range receive 5% Dodging and 5% All Res per point
Изменены таланты:
– Re-enabled Elemental Affinity talent (Reduces AP cost of skills when standing in surface of corresponding element. Does not apply to skills with AP cost smaller or equal to 1)
– Added new memory talent: Mnemonic. (adds 3 Memory)
– Changed human talent to give bartering instead of leadership
Изменено оружие:
– Earth wands were replaced with Poison wands that receive bonus damage from Geomancer ability.
– Buffed armor on shields
– Gave shields a free skill that recovers their armor
– Gave two-handed melee weapons a free skill that unlocks a heavy attack that costs 3AP
– Receive a free skill when dual-wielding melee weapons, which unlocks a heavy attack that costs 3AP
– Free skill for fighting with single melee weapon and empty offhand: 1AP attack that Knocks Down
– Attacking with single-handed weapon now costs 2AP (with or without shield)
– When dual-wielding, damage of the offhand weapon is halved.
– Added free movement if you move less than one meter before attacking
– Weapon attacks receive swoosh effects depending on main combat ability
– Inquisitor preset now wields a staff and starts with melee skills. (N.B. using Crippling Blow while wielding a staff will use the base elemental damage of the staff and receive bonus from INT since staff is and INT weapon).
– Witch and Wizard start with wands
– Replaced Sawtooth Knife with Vault in the list of starting Scoundrel skills to increase early game mobility.
– Ranger now has Haste instead of Piercing Shot as starting skill
– Increased difficulty for fights level 4 and above. Humanoid enemies now have new skills and engage in combat more aggressively
– Fixed several issues with AI of ranged enemies
– Targeted source skills can never miss (e.g. Mortal Blow)
– Enemy Rage now lasts two turns
– Griff now sells weapons
– Petrified characters are now immune to Burning
– Reduced AP penalty from Slow
– You no longer lose invisibility due to blessed smoke
– Rogues should now be able to pickpocket in arena
– Increased levels NPCs that help you in the last fight
– Cursed oil now has a chance of setting Necrofire instead of Burning
– Crocodiles now have magic armor and a stronger bite
– Buffed Radeka the blood witch and her minions
– Increased damage from Viscous Voidling death explosions
– Buffed purged dragon stats and gave him Hail Attack
– Tweaked loot drops so that you cannot get two weapons or shields from the same source
– Manually placed several weapons throughout the start of Fort Joy
– Burning and Regenerate statuses now replace each other
– Petrified status now gives immunity to Necrofire and holy fire
– Improved closest possible position when using Multistrike skills
– Hail strike skillbook now can be found from level one and healing ritual from level 4
– You can now knockdown turtles
– Improved enemy NPC treasure table drop chance from 1 in 5 to 1 in 3
– Haste now costs 0 AP and removes slowed and crippled status
– Clear-minded provides more Wits (gives Critical chance and Initiative)
– Fixed items being in stuck state when frozen or petrified
– Fixed “Walk it off” talent
– Assigned colors to unique weapons and NPC weapons
– Fixed incorrect pricing for certain weapons
– Blinding radiance does not affects neutral NPC’s anymore
– Characters with zombie talent do not get damaged anymore when using a bed
– Ending combat now correctly heals NPC’s with Decaying Touch status
– Fixed being allowed to learn skills from a skillbook when skill is already known from wearing an item
– Fixed enemy NPC’s from regaining AP incorrectly after setting a status on them
– Hasted and slowed now also modify starting AP, so you will start combat with one more AP if you are hasted
– Set correct loot for barrels
– Enemy immunity skills should now make them immune to both damage and statuses
Исправленные ошибки:
– Fixed several crashes
– Fixed hiding helmet causing bald characters
– Fixed charm skill fumbling too much
– Fixed client player being stuck in options menu when server reloads
– Fixed client player(s) issues if host loads single player savegame
– Fixed not being able to select eighth profile
– Fixed “Your Turn” staying on screen after combat
– Fixed NPC alignment issues
– Fixed controls settings being applied to different profiles on the same machine
– Fixed arena npc’s having low stats after first starting a campaign in explorer mode
– Fixed being able to talk to characters behind closed doors
– Fixed being able to learn skills by getting 1 point in them from items. You now need at least one base point of a skill school to be able to learn spells
– Fixed corpse explosion on using source vampirism
– Fixed armor values displayed incorrectly after loading in combat
– Fixed surface tooltips for certain surface combinations
– Fixed momentarily seeing an empty level when accepting invitation from arena lobby
– Fixed characters receiving fire damage after blessing a fire surface
– Fixed invisible rogues being followed by the camera, indicating their position
– Fixed being able to target enemies in sneaking (arena)
– Fixed overlapping tooltips (range indication and surface information)
– Fixed incorrect message when savethrowing out of a status
– Fixed issue with base vitality being calculated incorrectly on enemies
– Fixed Map not updating upon selection of a lobby in the lobby browser
– Fixed not getting error message when not connected to Community/Platform server
– Fixed spamming immune text when forcing application of a status
– Fixed Surrender button being available in campaign mode / not being available in arena mode in certain cases
– Fixed crash when putting something inside the Unusually Large Orange
– Fixed crash related to creation of surfaces
– Fixed issue being unable to unlearn skill from memorized skills
– Fixed HP amounts for items with very low HP
– Fixed Funny Meat not dropping
– Fixed physics for orange container
– Fixed Staff of Magus being present in skill list when selecting inquisitor class
– Fixed skills getting added to the skillbar twice
– Fixed infinite combat loop when several combats are joined together
– Fixed getting stuck when picking up an item while sneaking
– Fixed issue with guard button being enabled correctly
– Fixed “can’t reach” issue when trying to talk to someone that is not visually blocked
– Fixed being able to start the game without selecting any skills
– Fixed crash related to dashing through a campfire
– Fixed characters not being able to perform attack of opportunity during first turn of combat
– Fixed Multistrike skills landing on characters outside of weapon range
– Fixed setting warm on items when dousing them to avoid spamming of statuses
– Fixed Human female portrait alignment going wrong sometimes
– Fixed Attack of Opportunity triggering on multistrike and rush skills
– Fixed Players being able to start an arena match when host is spectator
– Fixed crash when client leaves arena lobby while game is starting
– Fixed starting dialog for illusion dungeon statue
– Fixed Accuracy boost from gear not being applied correctly
– Fixed vitality tooltip when your CON is below 10
– Fixed Battering ram skillbook being unsellable
– Fixed being able to target self with Source Vampirism
– Fixed Attack of Opportunity not triggering for NPC’s that are running away from characters
– Fixed tooltips for skills that restore hp and armor (they now take into account bonuses from abilities)
– Fixed inconsistent tooltip size formatting
– Stop party from doing formation when sneaking or going invisible
– Fixed issue that having more than one party member could cause getting double or triple XP reward for party
– Fixed black or grey loading screen when switching party member right before loading a savegame
– Fixed duplicate recipes in crafting interface
– Fixed “can’t see” message when targeting yourself
– Fixed pickpocketed items going missing sometimes
– Fixed being able to wear a bucket on your head for all races
– Fixed Exter’s dialog after Gareth dies to Magisters
– Fixed blocked dialog after winning arena under Fort Joy but dying right after